Longman English Edge provides a wide range of resources to support teaching and learning in each unit:

Printable resources
Teaching is not easy.
To help lighten your load and make it more efficient for you, we’ve prepared various ready-made resources that you can use according to your needs for:
Assessment | Vocabulary | Grammar | Reading |
Writing | Phonetics/Phonics | Language arts |
The sample pack includes the following resources:
- Simplified Reading Texts
- Extra Reading Texts
- Extra Poems
- Graded Vocabulary Worksheets
(Easy, Intermediate and Challenging)
- Graded Grammar Worksheets
(Easy, Intermediate and Challenging)
- Task Support
- Mid-year Assessment
- End-of-year Assessment
- Phonetics Pack
- Phonics Pack
To view more samples of the Printable resources, please contact our Sales Team.

Digital resources
Technology can play a part in enriching teaching and learning. However, digital resources need to be purposeful and complement actual teaching and learning in order to be effective. With your needs always in mind, we recommend the following digital resources:

Topic intros (videos with scripts)
Fun openings to spark students’ curiosity and interest in the unit topics
Animated reading texts
Guided readings of the corresponding texts presented in manageable chunks and supported with images to aid understanding
Language PowerPoints
A series of ready-made PowerPoints for key language items to support teaching in class, learning before/after class and/or your flipped classroom
Click here to download a sample of these user-friendly language PowerPoints.
Grammar Teaching Videos
A collection of ready-made videos for selected target language items, suitable for self-directed learning and your flipped classroom
Click here to view a sample of these bite-sized Grammar Teaching Videos.
Progress Check
Quick Quiz
Diagnostic or progress check quizzes to assess how well your students understand the target language introduced in each unit
Click here to download a sample of these ready-made Quick Quiz PowerPoints.
Longman English Edge YouTube Channel
A suite of further viewing resources (including some 360˚ videos that are VR glasses compatible) related to each unit theme to enrich the learning journey

Are you interested in Longman English Edge and/or the above Printable and Digital resources?