For Primary and Secondary teachers
Login information is available at the start of the new school term for you to distribute to students to access the wealth of Pearson digital resources*. For a step-by-step guide to do that, please follow the video below:
Primary teachers:
After login, click 'Download Students’ Login IDs and Passwords' to download the Login IDs and Passwords and distribute them to your students.
Please note that each Login ID and Password is unique and should be used by one user only. It is recommended that your school centralise the download and distribution process to avoid duplication.
Secondary teachers:
After login, click 'Registered Student Account List' to download Login IDs and Passwords for your students.
Junior subjects
The same set of Student Login IDs and Passwords are applicable to all junior subjects. Please download the Login IDs and Passwords ONCE only and distribute them to students. It is recommended that your school centralise the download and distribution process to avoid duplication.
Senior subjects
Each senior subject has its own set of Student Login IDs and Passwords. If your school has adopted multiple senior subjects, please download and distribute the available Login IDs and Passwords to corresponding students.