Q1: How old do I need to be to take PTE Young Learners?
There is no age limit on PTE Young Learners. There are four test levels of PTE Young Learners (Firstwords, Springboard, Quickmarch, Breakthough), which are suitable for children aged between five and twelve years old.
Q2: How do I choose a suitable test level for my child?
Follow some simple steps to find out the most suitable test level for your child:
Step 1: Match your child's age and school level with the 'suggested level'
Level of Hong Kong candidates |
The suggested level of PTE Young Learners |
K2-P2 | Firstwords |
P1-P3 | Springboard |
P2-P5 | Quickmarch |
P4-P6 | Breakthrough |
(If your child is a high-achiever of the English language at school, you can select a higher 'suggested level' for him/her.)
Step 2: Understand the Language Content and the Vocabulary List of the syllabus from the test guide which is downloadable from:
Guide: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/pearson-test-of-english/pearson-test-of-english-young-learners/resources.html
(The Language Content and the Vocabulary List can be found in the appendix of the test guide.)
Step 3: Download free past papers from the following webpage and let your child do a written paper.
Past Papers: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/pearson-test-of-english/pearson-test-of-english-young-learners/resources.html
Step 4: Mark your child's completed written paper with the Answer Key provided. The passing mark is about 60-70% of the total. 70-90% of the total is needed to obtain a merit grade and over 90% to obtain a distinction grade. The 'suggested level' is suitable for your child if about 60% of the total is obtained.
Also, some learning centers providing PTE Young Learners preparation courses offer pre-assessments to help candidates select the most suitable levels. For more information, please contact the corresponding learning centers.
Q3: Do school candidates need to wear their school uniforms on the test dates?
In general, school candidates are free to decide if they wear their school uniforms or not when taking the test outside their schools. However, they need to seek their schools' advice if the test is taken at their school.
Q4: Is it necessary to enroll for a preparation course before taking the test?
To help your child prepare for PTE Young Learners, you can download our online test preparation materials (including past papers) on the PTE Global Website for free. You may consider enrolling your child for a preparation course depending on your child's needs.
Q5: When will candidates receive the results?
Candidates will receive their results about three months after the test. We send the Candidate Performance Report and the PTE Certificate to the address provided on the application form of a private candidate or to the school address of a school candidate. For more information, please contact the HKEAA on (852) 3628 8761.
Q6: How do the test results look like?

Performance Report sample

PTE Certificate sample